Looking Forward : Taking Jaden PèpLa to the Next Level
As mentioned in our last post, we have had LOTS of exciting activities going on over the last month.
First off, we want to thank all of you who have contributed in anyway to our organization. Our work wouldn't be possible without you!!
We are working to get the farmland ready for the black beans season. To do so, we are excited to announce that Kenel will be visiting Haiti by the end of this month (November). With lots of local help, he will be getting the soil read the beans will be planted mid-December and their harvest in mid-March. After the harvest, we will finally begin producing peanut butter locally at the farm!
While the peanut is growing, we will be shifting our focus to completing the farmhouse so we can install some of the equipment needed to begin our first run of Moringa peanut butter.
Moringa peanut butter will be central to Jaden PèpLa's mission due to its nutritional value, specifically for new born kids and pregnant women.
Once this aspect of our organization is complete, we plan to start hiring more people around the farm and offer raining for local farmers and young kids who interested in learning about farming. Farmers attending these trainings will learn what they need to know to begin a small vegetable farm at home.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, but we couldn't be more excited. By taking this step-by-step, we know we can accomplish our vision of creating a community learning center and improve nutrition throughout Haiti.
While we continue to drive our vision, we are asking for the continuing support of our friends and family.
Please support us by attending one of our upcoming events (listed on our facebook page), purchasing our products, and making a contribution as you can.